Alejandro Sfrede
Google Voice Phone number: 001 (609) 616-2470
Welcome to Google Voice! Google Voice gives you a single phone number that rings all your phones, saves your voicemail online, andtranscribes your voicemail to text. Other cool features include the ability to listen in on messages while they are being left and theability to make low cost international calls. To start enjoying Google Voice, just give out your Google Voice number. You can recordcustom greetings for your favorite callers or block annoying callers by marking them as SPAM. Just click on the settings link at the topof your inbox. We hope you enjoy Google Voice.
1 comentario:
El servicio de google voice actualmente esta disponible para USA, pero existen servicios que brindan un nro virtual en estados unidos y el mismo puede ser reenviado a otros serviciso o telefonos, puede usar el desvio de llamada a GTalk o Skype, etc. o a un nro fijo o celular (estos con un costo.
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